


Course Staff


Course Description

This course offers an introduction to blockchain technology and its practical applications. The objective is to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts and hands-on experience in building on actual blockchains. The course covers the technological foundation of the blockchain stack (consensus layer, ordering layer, execution layer, etc.), the design of representative applications (cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, Decentralized Finance, etc.), and the principles for writing secure smart contracts, and ends with an overview of the latest research directions.

To provide a hands-on building experience, the course hosts a Catch-the-Flag (CTF) competition where students are asked to hack buggy smart contracts within a controlled environment.

Pre-reqs: The course assumes background in various fundamental areas of CS, including discrete math, probability, algorithms, data structures, and networks. Required: CPSC 202 and 223 (or equivalent).

Final exam: Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 2pm.